Who Am I?

After starting a career in comedy at the age of 26, not really knowing what I was doing for three years and then working it out what I *sort of* wanted to do in the last year of my twenties, I always felt a little behind compared to some in the entertainment industry who began at the age of 18 and hit the ground running. So many programs were for 18-25 year olds and as a purchaser of a 26-30 railcard I no longer qualified.

I was a late bloomer.

I now work full-time in the entertainment industry and want to help those who feel they too, are behind. Whether it’s with having kids, being in a stable relationship, taking care of your health or deciding to volunteer at your local bee sanctuary, it’s not too late to have a bloomin’ brilliant life.

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Essays, interviews and 'kick up the arse' inspiration for women who have found themselves feeling like they're 'late' in life but know they can still make it bloomin' brilliant. By comedy writer, presenter and content creator Cassandra Maria.


My names Cass - I'm a comedy writer and creator.